Things kids say
This one is from a friend of ours in the email group, in response to one of my stories. This is a good one!
Hahaha I loved that story. The innocence of childhood.
Reminds me of my Daughter....She was 7 at the time.
I was drying her long hair after the obligatory Sunday night bath before bed. She suddenly blurted out to me "Muuuuum, whats a Homer sexual", I spluttered a bit, desperately trying to find a way around her question, "Urrrrm wellllllll, its urrr ummmm when a man loves another man, aaannnd" —— I hadn't quite finished, she then turns her head around wide eyed looking at me like the penny had dropped, "So you'd call two ladies who love each other Marge sexuals", I couldn't stop laughing. 😆
Yes she really did say that 😂
I still laugh about it.
Another one was my Son when he was younger. He was getting a little upset one day, he was quiet, very unusual for him, and a little teary-eyed.
I asked what was up he stood in front of me and said, "Does it hurt" whilst peering down his trackies, I gulped and said "Does what hurt", mind going into overdrive, wondering what he'd done, "you know" he said peering down his pants again, " No I don't know until you tell me what you're going on about"! At this point he started to cry, I'm thinking what the fuck has he done, getting a bit freaked myself here.
"Well you must know, you're an adult, you've got them", "Got what for sake", getting worried myself here... "Cubic Hairs" he blurted out!! I was done 😂 my poor boy stood there crying watching me crying with laughter!!!
On our way to watch my daughter play soccer, my son was asking me about how babies were made. So I told him all about the sperm and the egg and so on. He seemed to reflect deeply about what I had said.
Get to soccer and we sit among all the other parents and he blurts out "Dad, is your sperm still inside me?" I almost fucking died!