Do you ever feel like you don't fit? Like we're not supposed to live like this?
We haven't changed much since time when we could run around naked and misbehave as much as we liked.
Now we have to wear the right clothes, stand inline with everyone else, manage our personal finance and remember not to wave our important bits around or say anything that might offend someone.
Our main hope with this store is to not only sell rude cards and gifts but through that, and this blog, to help normalise being naughty.
Let us help you break through some of that crap.
Check out these blog categories
All of these stories are true, most are about me. My hope is that through these you can have a giggle and see what it's possible to get away with.
If you're struggling with stress and/or anxiety, these articles might help you find a new way to think about things which will help you feel better.
A fairly random pile of thoughts about types of gifts and cards, what's appropriate and inappropriate and what you can get away with!
A formal list of all of the people who have won something over the last year or so. So far I reckon it's more than 50 people!