Today we have two tiny little stories from members of our email group, I hope you like them:
Thing 1
My colleagues and I used to tip the contents of our hole punches into the Financial Director's umbrella. We did this for a number of months during spring and summer. Obviously looking forward to the rainy season!
A client passed away that winter and our FD attended the funeral. It was raining that day and as he left the office, he grabbed his umbrella! The rest is history!!!
Thing 2
We had some late young lads come in.
They ordered drinks and we sent the bill over with it.
When we went back to collect the money, we picked up the plate the bill was on and there was a condom underneath.
My mate was really offended.
But I opened it, filled it with a bit of mayo and sent it back with their change for the drinks 😂😂
They did find it the best response ever and left a huge tip.