The real purpose of this website is to help you break through social norms and be your true naughty self. Giving a rude birthday card or gift a is one way of doing it, and reading my stories and doing something similar yourself is another way. I hope you like this one, and please free to comments!

Poster tube

I bet you have never done this with a cardboard poster tube.

A few years ago I had a job doing IT support for a record label; I was the manager of a small team, and one of the things that I encouraged in the team was to fart on people as much as possible.
One of my trademark techniques was to fart into a long cardboard poster tube and block of the end nearest me with my hand.  Because that end was blocked stopped the air from getting in, there was no through-flow and the pump was safely stored in the tube.

I’d then walk up to an unexpecting recipient, put the tube to my mouth and the other end near their face and blow into it, pushing the pump out.
There were other techniques but I'll have to save these for another day as I'm too tired to do any more typing.
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