The real purpose of this website is to help you break through social norms and be your true naughty self. Giving a rude birthday gift is one way of doing it, and reading my stories and doing something similar yourself is another way. I hope you like this one, and please free to comments!

The most haunting dream

This one is about a dream that I had about a year ago and still haunts me now, at least once a week.
I don’t think I’ll ever recover from this, so in an attempt to re-live it I’m going to tell you about it now.
I was sitting in a dimly lit room which was my office.  I knew that because it had a desk that I was sitting at.  It looked fairly normal despite the velvety texture of everything and the dark green and purple colours.
I was feeling very horny and a little frustrated but knew that I had a lot of work to do so tried to put those thoughts to one side, but you know it is, it’s not always that easy.
Luckily enough, just as I was partway through this internal battle I felt something under my desk touch my knee; a little surprised I pushed myself back in my chair to see what it was.
To my delight, there was a very hot naked girl there!  She had longish blonde hair and a perfect figure, as far as I could tell from my angle.
She looked up at me with a big beckoning smile stroking my crotch.
I’m pretty sure I could work out what she wanted and given the way I was feeling, I was happy to help out.
Detecting my silent response she remained under the desk and shuffled onto her bum, and then leaned back with her palms on the floor behind her.
I don’t know why she didn’t want to come out, clearly she liked it under there.
Fair enough I thought, as she slowly opened her legs, still looking at me in the same way.
I looked down at her important parts and what I saw was definitely not what I expected or hoped to see.
I hoped to see a nice cleanly shaven little, but instead I was greeted by something I have only ever seen on the end of a chicken in Aldi.
I could clearly see inside, it looked like the inside of a hollowed-out chicken, I could see an internal bone structure a bit like the structure you see inside a fish that has been gutted with an opening like a chicken that is ready to be stuffed.
Proudly she kept looking at me as if to say ‘yeah baby, you like it don’t you’, clearly not realising that I had no way to fill it even if I wanted to.
I could have fitted a medium-sized chicken in there.
Fortunately, I woke up then and didn't go back to sleep.
I don’t often go to a supermarket with my wife, but when we do she often looks at the chickens and looks at me giggling.
She clearly has no idea how affected I am by the experience.
She thinks it’s funny.
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