Today's story is brought to you by an amazing member of our email group, please let me know if you like it, I'll pass your message back to her!
I have a story that I fear slightly "trumps" your fart story.
Whilst visiting the Eden Project with my hubby many moons ago, we decided to stop and have a little rest.
The seat we stopped to have a rest on was made up of old tyres joined side by side, and acted as a border for a huge plant display.
Hubby and I were sat quite happily, having a little drink and chatting away.
Whilst visiting the Eden Project with my hubby many moons ago, we decided to stop and have a little rest.
The seat we stopped to have a rest on was made up of old tyres joined side by side, and acted as a border for a huge plant display.
Hubby and I were sat quite happily, having a little drink and chatting away.
A little further down the snaking tyre seat a woman plonked down on the seat and her partner and kids stood in front of her. Nothing much to report......
Next thing there was this almighty noise followed by a right commotion! This innocent-looking woman had decided to discreetly break wind whilst sat on the tyres. Unbeknown to this poor lady, the tyres essentially acted as a megaphone for her arse and this fart echoed like a ship's horn all around the tyre seat with such force, that her announcement could not be missed by many!!
The poor woman jumped up and reddened in the face whilst falling about laughing with her husband.
Meanwhile, one kid just ran off in the hope of disowning her Mum, whilst the other started yelling at her Mum in a hugely dramatic way, asking "WHHHHHYYY WOULD YOU DO THAT JUST WHHHHYYY, YOU ARE SO EMBARRASSING!"
Needless to say, it was the highlight of our visit and it's safe to say she left her mark on the Eden Project!!
Pumps are always funny, unless they're lumpy and you end up in a hammock. Then they're a bit sad.