The real purpose of this website is to help you break through social norms and be your true naughty self. Giving a rude birthday card or gift a is one way of doing it, and reading my stories and doing something similar yourself is another way. I hope you like this one, and please free to comments!

Lip gloss

Today's story is a very short one written by another member of our group, check it out!
I used to work in an office and my manager was a real cnut of a woman. Loved herself and thought she was untouchable. You know the type, do as I say etc etc.
Anyhow, a few of the lads left due to her ways and attitude, but I was lumbered with her, and it became intolerable.
I handed my notice in a given 2 weeks' notice.
My manager always used to keep a make-up bag in her office, and the next day, I decided to borrow her lip gloss when she went out of the building.
To the shitter it went and nicely dipped in a huge turd I'd baked. Then, I popped it back into its jar and put it back in the office.
The very next hour, I was called to the office for a meeting where I commented on her lovely lip colour. Oh, it's a new one I bought last week, do you like it ? Oh yeah, it really suits you, as she dipped it back from the tube onto her lips 💋
For 2 weeks I watched her put my turd all over her lips, haha.
Revenge is sweet
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