Today's story is brought to you by a lovely member of our email group, this is a good one!
Franny was a rather unassuming little non applicator tampon who lived in her little plastic wrapper. On Franny's wrapper a rather merry smiling face was drawn and she was very much part of the team.
On my first day of starting at a major well known pharmaceutical company, i spotted this smiling tampon on top of a light switch. I naturally did a double take, but thought best not to question it on my first day.
As the weeks went by Franny would pop up in various places. On top of the safe, on the kettle, in the dispensary. You name it, no pasture new was too adventurous for good old Franny.
7 years passes with Franny being an integral part of the team.
She set up home on the light switch on the landing by the cash office for a while, and we all said good morning to Franny as we passed.
On one dark miserable day, i noticed Franny hadn't popped her head out for a while. I assumed she was waiting poised somewhere ready to be spotted.
I checked in with a colleague who also said she hadn't seen Franny for a while.
We all started asking each other in pure fear for our Franny's wellbeing.
A new colleague then asked who Franny was, on explaining who Franny was her face reddened. With her head held low she broke our hearts in once sentence....
"I'm so sorry, i got caught short and shoved Franny up my fanny!"
Needless to say, our team was never quite the same. We placed a laminated plaque up in the cubical where Franny met her dark, soggy and bloody end.
It's still raw even now 5 years on.
RIP Franny. Gone but never forgotten 💔