The real purpose of this website is to help you break through social norms and be your true naughty self. Giving a rude birthday gift is one way of doing it, and reading my stories and doing something similar yourself is another way. I hope you like this one, and please free to comments!

Corry or sick?

This one is a little different from the usual pattern in that it’s not actually a story; it’s a philosophical question that has been the subject of debate for many years (for me anyway).
It goes like this:
Would you rather:

A: Eat curry that looks, tastes and smells exactly like sick?
B: Eat sick that looks, tastes and smells exactly like curry?
Don’t rush to answer this, think about it.
Which do you pay most attention to?  What you know or what you feel?
I honestly want to know what your answer to this is, so please tell me, I’ll put your answer with everyone else’s and tell you what the numbers look like next Friday.
And what do you think will be the most popular answer??
I don’t want to give you my opinion as it might sway yours, but please do tell me what you think!
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