The real purpose of this website is to help you break through social norms and be your true naughty self. Giving a rude birthday card or gift a is one way of doing it, and reading my stories and doing something similar yourself is another way. I hope you like this one, and please free to comments!

A Tiny Little One

From one of our community members:

It wasn't really a prank, but retribution. I once pissed in a work colleague's cup and then poured it into her work shoes and put them back in her locker. And no I didn't wash her cup out. (She was a bitch haha)

After 25+ years juggling IT and management, Dan realized that many people (including friends, family, and coworkers) were grappling with anxiety and stress brought on by modern life. Determined to offer some comic relief, he founded Mr. Inappropriate, an online store for wonderfully rude and funny adult gifts and cards. Through weekly true stories, naughty product lines, and genuine one-on-one connections with customers, Dan’s mission is to help people safely push social boundaries, share a good laugh, and discover that being a bit “inappropriate” can be surprisingly therapeutic. A proud Yorkshire resident, Dan remains steadfast in his belief that humour is one of the best ways to escape the pressures of everyday life, and that a well-timed, mischievous gift can often o more good than any pill.

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